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Our services help job seekers find work through delivery of a variety of Employment Programs.

Our Employment Program Support Services for Job Seekers


  • Strict confidentially

  • On-going follow up and support services

  • Referral to appropriate programs and services

  • Thorough individual employment needs assessment as required

  • Informing you of the available community and employment programs

  • Providing professional and courteous assistance to all individuals we serve

Current Employment Programs
​Career Focus Hiring Grant


Career Focus helps to move skilled / educated BC Youth into the labour market by making it easier for BC businesses to hire.



Get Youth Working! Program ​

If you are age 15 - 29, the Get Youth Working! Program can help you gain full-time employment. The Program offers employers a $2,800 hiring incentive (in the form of a wage subsidy) to hire you over other candidates. Additionally, your new employer may request up to $1,000 to purchase training for you!

Employment Program of BC


Looking for work?


Available in communities in all regions of BC, WorkBC Centres help people find jobs, explore career options and improve their skills.

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